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ProVitaPax Marine Research Association is a volunteer organization dedicated to marine rehabilitation, restoration and recovery, using natural methods, recycling and education, through novel approaches, to enhance the survival of healthy ecosystems on the land and in the sea, for future generations. ~~our "Mission Statement".
ProVitaPax Marine Research Association is a volunteer organization dedicated to marine rehabilitation, restoration and recovery, using natural methods, recycling and education, through novel approaches, to enhance the survival of healthy ecosystems on the land and in the sea, for future generations. ~~our "Mission Statement".
Please help support our work. Correspondence can be sent to: Provitapax Marine Research Association, P. O. Box 464, Englewood, FL 34295 USA or to: info@provitapaxmarineresearch.org.
As "stewards" of our planet, let us pass it to the next generation, in as good or better condition than it was, when we inherited it.
Could such a thing be accomplished? Yes, every person can make a difference in a global effort. Local communities worldwide are actively seeking answers, new experimental conservation efforts are underway and results are encouraging.
You need not have gone to college, or be a formal educator, scientist, conservationist, ecologist, or marine biologist, to make a difference. Everyday people and children working together with professionals will have to help carry out the necessary work to preserve the oceans, lands, water, air, and their communities, for all future life on this planet, including their children.
Most people on this planet, did not have the opportunity, finances, or privilege, to advance their education within the realm of classic academia. However, life, has been teaching you all along, through your own experiences.
How do you begin a conservation project? Ask a teacher at school, your local county officials, a librarian, or search the internet to see what is going on in your area. Librarians can help you find books about aquaculture or conservation, with pictures, to help you learn the names (taxonomy) of what lives in your area, their reproductive cycles, what they eat and where they prefer to live. Depending on what you decide to do, it is important to release and set free, some of your "crop" into the wild, to help maintain and increase the natural population.
Ask at school about starting a class project to create a tidal pool, sea garden or saltwater corral where things found on the beach, if planted, might "come back to life", or hatch. Even small pieces of coral or sponges, might grow. Sponges filter or "clean" seawater, and also help circulate it.
Some people release everything they grow, and work on creating or restoring habitat. They are called "conservationists"; and are not trying to make money from their work. A conservationist's goal is to help ensure resources exist for those in the future, but it does take money to do this, which is why we ask for donations, and also, to help fund others starting their own local projects.
As we evolve and reach new thresholds, we may see things with a new awareness. Click on this link: "Coral reef replanting success for Sumatra island..." for a truly, inspiring story, about a man who wanted to fix damage to the reef he grew up by, that fed and sustained him, his family, and community and how he did it.
Did you know you can try building your own tidal pool or starter reefs? Watch the next video of to see what you can accomplish.
This website is under construction. Words in a different color link you to a definition of that word or a video to explain it for you.
Could such a thing be accomplished? Yes, every person can make a difference in a global effort. Local communities worldwide are actively seeking answers, new experimental conservation efforts are underway and results are encouraging.
You need not have gone to college, or be a formal educator, scientist, conservationist, ecologist, or marine biologist, to make a difference. Everyday people and children working together with professionals will have to help carry out the necessary work to preserve the oceans, lands, water, air, and their communities, for all future life on this planet, including their children.
Most people on this planet, did not have the opportunity, finances, or privilege, to advance their education within the realm of classic academia. However, life, has been teaching you all along, through your own experiences.
How do you begin a conservation project? Ask a teacher at school, your local county officials, a librarian, or search the internet to see what is going on in your area. Librarians can help you find books about aquaculture or conservation, with pictures, to help you learn the names (taxonomy) of what lives in your area, their reproductive cycles, what they eat and where they prefer to live. Depending on what you decide to do, it is important to release and set free, some of your "crop" into the wild, to help maintain and increase the natural population.
Ask at school about starting a class project to create a tidal pool, sea garden or saltwater corral where things found on the beach, if planted, might "come back to life", or hatch. Even small pieces of coral or sponges, might grow. Sponges filter or "clean" seawater, and also help circulate it.
Some people release everything they grow, and work on creating or restoring habitat. They are called "conservationists"; and are not trying to make money from their work. A conservationist's goal is to help ensure resources exist for those in the future, but it does take money to do this, which is why we ask for donations, and also, to help fund others starting their own local projects.
As we evolve and reach new thresholds, we may see things with a new awareness. Click on this link: "Coral reef replanting success for Sumatra island..." for a truly, inspiring story, about a man who wanted to fix damage to the reef he grew up by, that fed and sustained him, his family, and community and how he did it.
Did you know you can try building your own tidal pool or starter reefs? Watch the next video of to see what you can accomplish.
This website is under construction. Words in a different color link you to a definition of that word or a video to explain it for you.
Of all the lifeforms that live on, and use resources on earth, only humans can control "anthropogenic" changes. In older literature, world "record" size game fish caught, often exceeded 1,000 pounds (500+ kilos). Today, the "big" fish caught are much smaller than 40 years ago. Some animals, like Queen conch, Goliath grouper, tuna and other animals at one time plentiful in Florida, are next to impossible to find. Why is this? Is there anything we can do to help restore biomass or re-populate what has been "fished out"?
The ocean is a garden from which we harvest, but now, let us consider it also as a garden to cultivate and replenish.
Commercial fishermen are "marine biologists" (in their own right). They observe the sea, life cycles and migrations of what is in it, everyday of their lives, and know many things that may not always be found in formal text books.
Do not disturb existing wildlife; keep your distance and stay away from them. They rightfully protect their "territory" and young in some instances...
More local community "projects" are beginning to restore our bays and oceans, which is a huge, but possible undertaking.
As your "sea garden", reef corral, or tidal pool, "grows", fish and other creatures appear, sometimes taking shelter and moving into their new "home" overnight.
The sea garden concept is spreading among those that love, respect, rely on or live by, the sea and want this legacy to exist for those in the future.
Children making sandcastles, playing in the surf, and those swimming in it or walking the beach, need a healthy ocean, as much as all the life that lives in it.
Our independent volunteer research results, are from "hands on" experience, trying novel approaches, and we want to share these with you. We hope you will share your work also, so we may learn from each other.
The ocean is a garden from which we harvest, but now, let us consider it also as a garden to cultivate and replenish.
Commercial fishermen are "marine biologists" (in their own right). They observe the sea, life cycles and migrations of what is in it, everyday of their lives, and know many things that may not always be found in formal text books.
Do not disturb existing wildlife; keep your distance and stay away from them. They rightfully protect their "territory" and young in some instances...
More local community "projects" are beginning to restore our bays and oceans, which is a huge, but possible undertaking.
As your "sea garden", reef corral, or tidal pool, "grows", fish and other creatures appear, sometimes taking shelter and moving into their new "home" overnight.
The sea garden concept is spreading among those that love, respect, rely on or live by, the sea and want this legacy to exist for those in the future.
Children making sandcastles, playing in the surf, and those swimming in it or walking the beach, need a healthy ocean, as much as all the life that lives in it.
Our independent volunteer research results, are from "hands on" experience, trying novel approaches, and we want to share these with you. We hope you will share your work also, so we may learn from each other.

At one time, the saltwater oceans cleansed and healed those who soaked or swam in them. Salt and minerals in the water cleansed wounds; but, in some places, this is a "thing of the past", and cannot be done anymore. Why is this, do you wonder?
Depending on where you are, ocean swimming is the last thing to do if you have a cut on your body. Lethal bacteria, microbes and "toxic algae", if present at high levels in the ocean, can make you very sick or worse. This can be true in freshwater lakes if no flushing action exists, the water is stagnant, choked with algae, and very warm. If no one is swimming in it, ask locally or at the "health department", if it is safe water to swim in.
Depending on where you are, ocean swimming is the last thing to do if you have a cut on your body. Lethal bacteria, microbes and "toxic algae", if present at high levels in the ocean, can make you very sick or worse. This can be true in freshwater lakes if no flushing action exists, the water is stagnant, choked with algae, and very warm. If no one is swimming in it, ask locally or at the "health department", if it is safe water to swim in.
Water is the key to life on our planet. Click on: "Water - The Great Mystery". Prepare to be fascinated by this video.
You can do what we did in the next video. Watch: "HOPE FOR THE FUTURE-Beach collecting after storms, No. 2". To see the video, click on this link: https://youtu.be/WXeuhgPBk30_
You can do what we did in the next video. Watch: "HOPE FOR THE FUTURE-Beach collecting after storms, No. 2". To see the video, click on this link: https://youtu.be/WXeuhgPBk30_
When we use the ocean as a dump, what does not float, sinks. Floating garbage and plastics becomes weathered, disintegrate into smaller particles, and is eaten by fish, birds, and other animals, accumulating in them. The consumed trash moves right up the food chain, to us. In oceans worldwide, littering is actually creating aggregated floating masses of garbage. "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch", is at least the size of the United States of America, as shown in the ten minute long documentaries: "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch" or "Synthetic Seas" on YouTube.
Destruction of Reefs and Habitat by Man:
Some waterfront homes and buildings when built, include a seawall. Seawalls are built by reshaping shorelines and adding fill using cement walls to hold the fill in place. Many crabs, mussels, clams, invertebrate filter feeders, juvenile fish and other creatures start life in the shallows near shore and need a beach, before heading out to sea. Docks preserve the shore and shallows (a necessary primary natural habitat).
Homeowners that desire a bay view, and enjoy fishing and water-sports, but kill, cut down or remove mangrove forests, diminish habitat for birds, animals and marine life that begins it's life cycle there.
Sometimes reefs like the one in this video: Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands, are mined for live coral rock to use as runway fill for airports or other construction. Shallow reefs break big waves when storms come, helping prevent erosion and flooding of low lying land. When shallow, close to shore, reefs are dredged or removed, flooding from storms and land erosion can increase. Fish and many other creatures that used the reef for their "home", disappear too.
Our window of opportunity to stop these destructive practices and preserve these rare gems of paradise is finite.
Let's treat the earth with respect. Let littering and polluting become a thing of the past.
The oceans can live without us, but we cannot live without the oceans...
Let's choose not to rapidly approaching a "tipping" point, that when reached, will be too late for a full and complete recovery.
When we use the ocean as a dump, what does not float, sinks. Floating garbage and plastics becomes weathered, disintegrate into smaller particles, and is eaten by fish, birds, and other animals, accumulating in them. The consumed trash moves right up the food chain, to us. In oceans worldwide, littering is actually creating aggregated floating masses of garbage. "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch", is at least the size of the United States of America, as shown in the ten minute long documentaries: "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch" or "Synthetic Seas" on YouTube.
Destruction of Reefs and Habitat by Man:
Some waterfront homes and buildings when built, include a seawall. Seawalls are built by reshaping shorelines and adding fill using cement walls to hold the fill in place. Many crabs, mussels, clams, invertebrate filter feeders, juvenile fish and other creatures start life in the shallows near shore and need a beach, before heading out to sea. Docks preserve the shore and shallows (a necessary primary natural habitat).
Homeowners that desire a bay view, and enjoy fishing and water-sports, but kill, cut down or remove mangrove forests, diminish habitat for birds, animals and marine life that begins it's life cycle there.
Sometimes reefs like the one in this video: Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands, are mined for live coral rock to use as runway fill for airports or other construction. Shallow reefs break big waves when storms come, helping prevent erosion and flooding of low lying land. When shallow, close to shore, reefs are dredged or removed, flooding from storms and land erosion can increase. Fish and many other creatures that used the reef for their "home", disappear too.
Our window of opportunity to stop these destructive practices and preserve these rare gems of paradise is finite.
Let's treat the earth with respect. Let littering and polluting become a thing of the past.
The oceans can live without us, but we cannot live without the oceans...
Let's choose not to rapidly approaching a "tipping" point, that when reached, will be too late for a full and complete recovery.